52 research outputs found

    Medical and nursing students’ co-learning in digitalized health care eco-system

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    The demographic change in Finnish population has forced us to develop digital solutions to meet health care requirements. To respond to the need, we designed and piloted a one-day Multidisciplinary Digital Clinic (MDC) education for medical and nursing students. In this report, we describe our project of the one-day MDC education of digital solutions in primary care for medical and nursing students, and their learning experiences. Additionally, we describe the realization of the intended learning outcomes. The MDC education was conducted by flipped learning method with pre-studying materials. The MDC day was divided into three topical workshops: Remote Care, Digital Symptoms and Health care assessment, and Assessment of Need for care. Students formed three multidisciplinary teams. The students (N=108) valued the opportunity to train with modern technological equipment. Learning in the multidisciplinary teams enabled their knowledge and expertise sharing beyond study field limits, and provided a unique opportunity to discuss together, and thus, helped generate future-proof cooperation skills. The MDC training improved students' understanding of digitally enhanced health care services and increased their understanding of the automated digitalized service pathways, and the continuity of care. In conclusion, the students described MDC as a unique opportunity, and future oriented education. The MDC encouraged students to get involved in the digitally and technologically enhanced health care eco-system in their professional careers


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    Coaching has become an important approach to support self-management of patients with non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in healthcare education. Studies conducted in European countries have emphasized the significance of formal coaching training in enhancing the competencies of healthcare students. However, in Southeast Asia, where NCDs pose a serious public health concern, there is a lack of such training opportunities. To address this issue, an exploratory pre and post study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the DigiCare educational intervention in improving clinical coaching skills. Nursing and medical students from six universities in Vietnam and Bangladesh were invited to participate. The intervention included both theoretical and practical classes with interactive methods and home assignments, with a total duration of over 10 contact hours. Pre- and post-intervention assessments were conducted using the Self-Efficacy and Performance in Self-management Support instrument, which was translated and culturally adapted to both countries. Statistical analysis showed a significant improvement in students’ overall competence scores from before (M = 2.6, SD = .67) to after the intervention (M = 3.05, SD = .55), with a medium effect size (p < .001; d = .73). The DigiCare educational intervention appears to be a low-cost and meaningful addition to the curriculum of both nursing and medical universities across countries, with potential benefits in the development of students’ clinical coaching competencies.O coaching tornou-se uma abordagem importante para apoiar a autogestão de pacientes com doenças não transmissíveis (DNTs) na educação em saúde. Estudos realizados em países europeus têm enfatizado a importância do treinamento formal em coaching para aprimorar as competências dos estudantes de saúde. No entanto, no Sudeste Asiático, onde as DNTs representam uma séria preocupação de saúde pública, há uma falta de oportunidades de treinamento nesse sentido. Para abordar essa questão, foi conduzido um pré- e pós-estudo exploratório para avaliar a eficácia da intervenção educacional DigiCare na melhoria das habilidades de coaching clínico. Estudantes de enfermagem e medicina de seis universidades no Vietname e em Bangladesh foram convidados a participar. A intervenção incluiu aulas teóricas e práticas com métodos interativos e tarefas domiciliares, totalizando mais de 10 horas de contato. Avaliações pré e pós-intervenção foram conduzidas utilizando o instrumento de Autoeficácia e Desempenho no Suporte à Autogestão, que foi traduzido e adaptado culturalmente para ambos os países. Análises estatísticas mostraram uma melhoria significativa nas pontuações gerais de competência dos estudantes, de antes (M = 2,6, DP = 0,67) para depois da intervenção (M = 3,05, DP = 0,55), com um efeito médio (p < 0,001; d = 0,73). A intervenção educacional DigiCare parece ser uma adição de baixo custo e significativa para o currículo de universidades de enfermagem e medicina em diferentes países, com benefícios potenciais no desenvolvimento das competências clínicas de coaching dos estudantes


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    In an aging society, healthcare professionals and students face increasing demands to actively involve patients in the decision-making process regarding their health conditions and lifestyles. Self-management support is considered a best practice that aligns with the patient-centered care paradigm in Bangladesh. However, there is currently no instrument available to assess healthcare professionals’ competencies in this field, particularly during their early education and training period. The aim of this study was to translate the Self Efficiency and Performance in Self-management Support (SEPSS) instrument into Bangla and validate its psychometric properties in a sample of undergraduate healthcare students in Bangladeshi higher education institutions. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the reliability, validity, and cultural appropriateness of the Bangla version of SEPSS-36 among 486 nursing and medical students. Confirmatory factor analysis was carried out using the chi-square model fit index (CMIN), comparative fit index (CFI), and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) as fit indices. The internal consistency was estimated by the Cronbach alpha coefficient. The results indicate that the CMIN (2.658) and RMSEA (.058) values suggest that the sample data and hypothetical model are an acceptable fit in the analysis, with satisfactory CFI values (.895). The reliability for all SEPSS dimensions was acceptable. The Bangla version of the SEPSS questionnaire is a valid and reliable instrument that can assist healthcare educators and researchers in determining students’ competencies within this domain.Numa sociedade envelhecida, os profissionais de saúde e os estudantes enfrentam exigências cada vez maiores para envolver ativamente os pacientes no processo de tomada de decisão em relação às suas condições de saúde e estilos de vida. O apoio à autogestão é considerado uma prática recomendada que está alinhada com o paradigma de cuidados centrados no paciente em Bangladesh. No entanto, atualmente não existe um instrumento disponível para avaliar as competências dos profissionais de saúde nesse campo, especialmente durante o período inicial de educação e formação. O objetivo deste estudo foi traduzir o instrumento Self Efficiency and Performance in Self-management Support (SEPSS) para o bengali e validar as suas propriedades psicométricas numa amostra de estudantes de saúde de graduação em instituições de ensino superior de Bangladesh. Foi realizado um estudo transversal para avaliar a confiabilidade, validade e adequação cultural da versão em bengali do SEPSS-36 entre 486 estudantes de enfermagem e medicina. A análise fatorial confirmatória foi conduzida utilizando o índice de ajustamento do modelo qui-quadrado (CMIN), o índice de ajustamento comparativo (CFI) e o erro quadrado médio de aproximação (RMSEA) como índices de ajustamento. A consistência interna foi estimada pelo coeficiente alfa de Cronbach. Os resultados indicam que os valores de CMIN (2,658) e RMSEA (0,058) sugerem que os dados da amostra e o modelo hipotético têm um ajustamento aceitável na análise, com valores de CFI satisfatórios (0,895). A confiabilidade de todas as dimensões do SEPSS foi aceitável. A versão em bengali do questionário SEPSS é um instrumento válido e fiável que pode ajudar os educadores e investigadores em saúde a determinar as competências dos estudantes nesta área


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    The rapid advancement of technology has transformed the role of nurses and nursing students in patient care, making it an integral component of healthcare delivery. The use of innovative technologies has become commonplace in healthcare settings, creating a high-tech environment that can enhance nursing care quality and patient experience. It is essential for nursing staff and students to be receptive to incorporating such tools into their practice to ensure safe and efficient use of various forms of healthcare technology. Objective: Given the absence of an existing tool in Vietnam to evaluate healthcare students’ technology acceptance, the aim of our research was to culturally adapt, translate, and validate the Usability Evaluation Questionnaire (UtEQ) among nursing students in Vietnam. Method: We conducted a methodological and cross-sectional study in two phases: translation of the UtEQ to Vietnamese (UtEQ-V) following six stages proposed by Beaton and collaborators, and assessment of its psychometric properties in a non-probability sample of 295 Vietnamese nursing students. Results: The UtEQ-V’s reliability was found to be above 0.8 for all factors (.88–.95), while confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate goodness-of-fit indicators. Conclusion: The UtEQ-V is a reliable and valid instrument that can support nursing educators and researchers to assess students’ technology acceptance during their clinical training.O rápido avanço da tecnologia transformou o papel das enfermeiras e dos estudantes de enfermagem nos cuidados aos pacientes, tornando-o um componente integral da prestação de cuidados de saúde. O uso de tecnologias inovadoras tornou-se comum nos contextos de saúde, criando um ambiente de alta tecnologia que pode melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados de enfermagem e a experiência do paciente. É essencial que a equipa de enfermagem e os estudantes estejam recetivos à incorporação de tais ferramentas na sua prática, a fim de garantir o uso seguro e eficiente de várias formas de tecnologia de saúde. Objetivo: Dada a inexistência de uma ferramenta existente no Vietname para avaliar a aceitação da tecnologia por parte dos estudantes de saúde, o objetivo da nossa investigação foi adaptar culturalmente, traduzir e validar o Questionário de Avaliação da Usabilidade (UtEQ) entre estudantes de enfermagem no Vietname. Método: Realizámos um estudo metodológico e transversal em duas fases: tradução do UtEQ para vietnamita (UtEQ-V) seguindo as seis etapas propostas por Beaton e colaboradores e avaliação das suas propriedades psicométricas numa amostra não probabilística de 295 estudantes de enfermagem vietnamitas. Resultados: A fiabilidade do UtEQ-V revelou-se superior a 0,8 para todos os fatores (.88–.95), enquanto a análise fatorial confirmatória apresentou indicadores adequados de ajustamento. Conclusão: O UtEQ-V é um instrumento fiável e válido que pode apoiar os educadores e os investigadores de enfermagem na avaliação da aceitação da tecnologia pelos estudantes durante o seu treino clínico


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    The modernization of healthcare delivery is a reality in various international settings. To ensure efficient and safe use of the diverse forms of healthcare technology available, professionals and students must be receptive to incorporating such tools into their practice. Currently, there is no instrument in Bangladesh to assess healthcare students’ technology acceptance. Objective: To translate, culturally adapt, and validate the Usability Evaluation Questionnaire (UtEQ) among Bangladeshi healthcare students. Method: A cross-sectional study with a methodological approach was conducted in two phases. The first phase involved the translation of the UtEQ questionnaire to Bengali, following the six stages proposed by Beaton et al. In the second phase, the psychometric properties of the questionnaire were evaluated using a non-probability sample of 486 undergraduate healthcare students from three higher education institutions in Bangladesh. Confirmatory factor analysis was performed, and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was estimated to find out the internal consistency. Results: Internal consistency was found to be excellent for all scale dimensions, ranging from 0.88 to 0.92, while confirmatory factor analysis showed adequate goodness-of-fit indicators. Conclusion: The UtEQ-B provides a reliable and valid method for healthcare educators and researchers to assess technology acceptance among healthcare students during clinical training in Bangladesh.A modernização da prestação de cuidados de saúde é uma realidade em vários contextos internacionais. Para garantir a utilização eficiente e segura das diversas formas de tecnologia em saúde disponíveis, os profissionais e estudantes devem estar receptivos à incorporação dessas ferramentas na sua prática. Atualmente, não existe em Bangladesh um instrumento para avaliar a aceitação da tecnologia pelos estudantes de saúde. Objetivo: Traduzir, adaptar culturalmente e validar o Questionário de Avaliação da Usabilidade (UtEQ) entre estudantes de saúde de Bangladesh. Método: Foi realizado um estudo transversal com uma abordagem metodológica em duas fases. A primeira fase envolveu a tradução do questionário UtEQ para bengali, seguindo as seis etapas propostas por Beaton et al. Na segunda fase, foram avaliadas as propriedades psicométricas do questionário usando uma amostra não probabilística de 486 estudantes de graduação em saúde de três instituições de ensino superior em Bangladesh. Foi realizada uma análise fatorial confirmatória e estimou-se o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach para verificar a consistência interna. Resultados: Foi encontrada uma consistência interna excelente para todas as dimensões da escala, variando de 0,88 a 0,92, enquanto a análise fatorial confirmatória mostrou indicadores adequados de ajuste. Conclusão: O UtEQ-B fornece um método confiável e válido para educadores e pesquisadores em saúde avaliarem a aceitação da tecnologia entre estudantes de saúde durante o treinamento clínico em Bangladesh

    Työympäristö ja hiljaiset tilat

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    Virtuaalitodellisuus oppimisympäristönä

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    The DigiCare Project Process

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    Pitkäaikainen ryhmävertaistuki lapsen kuoleman jälkeen : mittarin pilotointi ja validointi

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    Pro gradu -tutkielma koostuu tieteellisestä tutkimusartikkelista ja kirjallisuusosasta. Tutkimusartikkeli (N. Smolander, M. Kaunonen, A-M. Koivisto, A L. Aho: Long-Term Parental Peer Group Support and Factors Associated with Experienced Support) on lähetetty vertaisarviointiin tieteelliseen julkaisuun, ja kirjallisuusosa käsittelee pilottitutkimuksessa käytetyn mittarin pilotointia ja validointia. Tieteellisessä tutkimusartikkelissa kuvataan lapsensa menettäneiden vanhempien (N=106) kokemuksia pitkäaikaisesta ryhmävertaistuesta, ja taustamuuttujien yhteyttä koettuun ryhmävertaistukeen. Tutkimuksen kohderyhmänä olivat lapsensa menettäneet vanhemmat (N=106), jotka olivat osallistuneet KÄPY - Lapsikuolemaperheet ry:n järjestämään vertaistukiryhmään. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin elektronisella lomakkeella, joka jaettiin osallistujille KÄPY ry:n verkkosivujen jäsentiedotteessa ja suljetun Facebook -ryhmän kautta. Vanhemmat vastasivat itseensä ja kuolleeseen lapseen liittyviin taustakysymyksiin sekä Tampereen yliopiston surututkimushankkeessa kehitetyn ryhmävertaistukimittarin väittämiin. Mittarin 12 väittämää perustuivat aikaisempaan tutkimustietoon, ja vastaajien mielipidettä kysyttiin 6 -portaisella Likert -asteikolla. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin tilastollisin menetelmin. Pilottitutkimuksen tulosten perusteella onnistuneeseen ryhmävertaistuen kokemukseen olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä kuolleen lapsen ikä, lapsen kuolemasta kulunut aika ja perheen elossa olevien lasten lukumäärä. Lisäksi sujuva ilmoittautuminen vertaistukiryhmiin ja sopiva vertaistukiryhmän tapaamispaikka, -päivä ja tapaamisten kesto, osallistumiskertojen lukumäärä sekä välimatka vertaistukiryhmän tapaamisiin olivat tilastollisesti merkitsevästi yhteydessä onnistuneeseen ryhmävertaistuen kokemukseen. Kirjallisuusosan tarkoituksena oli arvioida ryhmävertaistukimittarin validiteettia ja pilotointiprosessia. Mittarin testaamisessa käytettiin 12 väittämän summamuuttujaa, Cronbach α -arvoja ja eksploratiivista faktorianalyysia, jonka pohjalta muodostettiin kaksi uutta summamuuttujaa. Summamuuttujien Cronbachin α -arvot olivat välillä 0,876-0,914, ja faktorien latautumiskertoimet olivat välillä 0,562-0,882. Kirjallisuusosan arvioinnin perusteella ryhmävertaistuki -mittari vaikuttaa validilta ja reliaabelilta. ABSTRACT This master's thesis consists of research article manuscript and complementary section. The research article (N. Smolander, M. Kaunonen, A-M. Koivisto, A L. Aho: Long-Term Parental Peer Group Support and Factors Associated with Experienced Support) has been submitted to a scientific journal for peer review. As an adjunct to the article, complementary section elucidates the piloting and validating processes of the questionnaire. The research article describes long-term parental (N=106) peer group support after the death of a child and factors associated with the experienced support. The target group of this study was parents, who had participated in peer support group organized by KÄPY - Child Death Families Association. Data were collected using electronic form, which was distributed to the participants through member bulletins of KÄPY - Child Death Families Association website and through closed Facebook group. The participants answered demographic questions of themselves and their dead child and a questionnaire developed by grief research project of the University of Tampere. The questionnaire including 12 items was based on previous studies and participants' opinion was measured using 6-point Likert scale. The data were analyzed statistically. As a result, successful experience of peer group support was statistically significantly associated with age of a dead child, time since the death of a child and number of dead child's living siblings. In addition, fluent enrollment in peer support group assemblies and practical considerations of participation in peer support group assemblies were significantly associated with successfully experienced peer group support. These practical considerations included appropriate location, day and duration of peer support group assemblies, the number of assemblies participated and the distance to peer support group assembly. The purpose of the complementary section was to study validity and piloting process of the peer group support questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated utilizing sum variable of the entire questionnaire, Cronbach α -values and explorative factor analysis, which produced two additional sum variables. As a result, Cronbach α -values for sum variables varied between 0,876-0,914 and factor loadings varied between 0,562-0,882. In conclusion, based on the evaluation of the complementary section, the questionnaire appears to be valid and reliable

    Maahanmuuttaja terveydenhuollossa -koulutukset

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